I want to help you build a
robust major gifts program
that will lead to millions of dollars for your mission.

Donors have been known to test you and your ability to manage money. They start small and can be know to GO BIG in subsequent months or years. It’s all about what you do in between that first gift and the next. I’ll help you build a relationship with your donors so they feel compelled to give you more – and not just a little – A LOT more. I’ll work closely with you and your team to accelerate your program’s growth through the following ways:

  • Help you establish best practices, proper major gift reporting to meet annual goals
  • Build a sustainable and robust pipeline of major gift prospects and donors
  • Engage high net worth donors in order to provide program and unrestricted support
  • Increase unrestricted funding
  • Expand your network of donors including high net worth individuals
  • Identify new, vetted, high-potential donors or foundations
  • Create segmentation for donor archetypes
  • Refine strategy for messaging and engaging high net worth donors
  • Create pitch desks for prospective donors
  • Develop messaging campaigns that target high net worth and foundation donors
  • Help you design and implement strategies to secure major gifts and principal gifts of $1 million or more
  • Help you develop appropriate cultivation strategies for prospects with documented strategies in place for potential gifts of $1 million or above.

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