Join the Million Dollar Master Club Today
Join the Million Dollar Master Club Today
Do you want some inspiration to keep you motivated? Do you love hearing from others about what works? Need some more tips on how to raise millions? Join the Million Dollar Master Club and get the connection you desire and the information you need. This isn’t your typical program with hours and hours of videos you have to watch or white papers to read. It’s so much more! The Million Dollar Master Club is a club where you can connect, communicate, and come together with other nonprofit professionals to further your career and improve your life!

Join the Million Dollar Master Club and become part of a connected community of professionals who want to be more and raise millions!
Here’s what you’ll get when you join the Million Dollar Master Club:
Million Dollar Master Club-
Special Member’s Only welcome gift
6 free virtual trainings on current fundraising trends
Virtual Study Hall where you can ask Deanna questions
Fundraising and career content sent to you via email
Conversations to help further your career
VIP seating at the Million Dollar Master® Awards
Invitation to the Members Only Annual Party
Surprise give aways and special prizes
Access to fundraising and career resources
Tip worksheets and news alerts to keep you informed
Discounts on Million Dollar Master® workshops
Access to guest speakers
You’ll grow your network and connections
You’ll have some fun!
Million Dollar Master Club-
Special Member’s Only welcome gift
6 free virtual trainings on current fundraising trends
Virtual Study Hall where you can ask Deanna questions
Fundraising and career content sent to you via email
Conversations to help further your career
VIP seating at the Million Dollar Master® Awards
Invitation to the Members Only Annual Party
Surprise give aways and special prizes
Access to fundraising and career resources
Tip worksheets and news alerts to keep you informed
Discounts on Million Dollar Master® workshops
Access to guest speakers
You’ll grow your network and connections
You’ll have some fun!
PLUS, you’ll have the privilege of saying that you’re a member of the MILLION DOLLAR MASTER CLUB and you get to use the MILLION DOLLAR MASTER CLUB LOGO in your signature block, which signifies you’re doing bigger things in your career than the average professional!
A Few Words From Our Members