What Should You Really Focus On in the Coming Months?

3 Key Areas to Focus in the Coming Months

The new year is moving along and it’s becoming clear that the world is going to open back up again. With the COVID-19 vaccine available and restrictions being lifted, it’s a time to safely celebrate as life moves into a new normal. However, this new normal may be leaving you with a feeling of overwhelm and confusion.

Your mind might be racing with all kinds of questions such as…Do I host that in-person event or not? How do I manage all of those new pandemic donors? What should I focus on since everything seems to be considered a priority?

Sure, there are a lot of tasks you need to accomplish. There are a lot of meetings you need to go to. There’s basically A LOT to do. Calm your mind and pause for a minute.

Think about what your big picture goals are for 2021. Whether you’re a development professional, executive director, or CEO, I’d recommend that you focus on what brings in the revenue (not the meetings and tasks). Having more revenue helps solve a lot of the other challenges you may face. You can do more, be more, and have a greater impact with more money.

So, here’s a bit of advice to help keep you focused in the coming months.

1. Set quarterly fundraising goals and review them regularly.

Too often teams create development plans and never look at them once they’ve been approved. An effective fundraising program includes individual giving goals, foundation goals, corporate goals, board giving goals, and of course, event goals. Be sure to include the following when you set these goals: (1) number of new contacts and/or donors; (2) number of renewed donors; and (3) amount of revenue raised. Then, review your progress toward your goals regularly. If you do, you’re more likely to achieve them.

2. Get to know your new donors and renew relationships with your loyal donors.

The more you know your donors the more money you raise. If you invest even just a few minutes getting to know each of your donors, you’ll be one-step closer to closing the next gift and increasing your fundraising revenue.

3. Focus on board development.

Review your recruitment and onboarding process. Identify who you need (or want) on your board. Launch a give-get for the board and hold them accountable for fundraising. You may even want to take time to evaluate how your board did in 2020 and make adjustments as needed moving forward.

There’s no doubt that the world is full of distractions. There’s one thing that’s clear though – those who can focus on the priorities (especially when it comes to fundraising) succeed. Don’t chase the squirrel or shiny new object. Stay focused, committed, and dedicated to achieving your fundraising goals.